• 01423 862192
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    Nidderdale Children’s Day Nursery

    Percy Field, Low Moor Lane, Lingerfield,
    Scotton, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire HG5 9JB
    Call 01423 862182

    The School House Nursery

    The Green, Pannal, Harrogate,
    North Yorkshire HG3 1LH
    Call 01423 873619

    Kids’ Clubs

    Western Kids’ Club
    Western Primary School, Cold Bath Road,
    Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 0NA
    Call 01423 530757

    Woodlands Kids’ Club
    Willow Tree Primary School, Wetherby Road,
    Harrogate, North Yorkshire HG2 7SG
    Call 01423 888817